The hair transplant physicians and surgeons at MAXiM Hair Restoration in the U.S. are supported by a team of experienced hair transplant technicians, nurses, medical and surgical assistants, and other ancillary staff.
The non-clinical staff at MAXiM Hair Restoration are very knowledgeable about the procedure and can answer your basic questions about hair transplants and provide pricing information.
At MAXiM Hair Restoration, Dubai, our center is managed by Mr. Adil H. Chowdry, Managing Director & Hair Transplant Consultant, and Ms. Maria Sheila, Office Manager.
In Manila, most of our clinical support staff that assists in hair transplant procedures and hair loss treatment are nurses.
Contact Us For More Information or submit the Contact Form on this page to request your complimentary hair restoration consultation by phone, Skype or with a MAXiM hair transplant physician or surgeon near you.
You can also Email your pics to MAXiM Hair Restoration to find out if you are a good candidate for a hair transplant or to obtain an estimate for your procedure and the approximate number of grafts that would be required to give you a great result.
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