Hair Loss: The Emotional Effects

For many people, hair loss is a natural and inevitable symptom of aging. But that doesn’t make it any easier to accept.  The loss of one’s once youthful lush locks can take an emotional, sometimes devastating, psychological and emotional toll.

That’s because practically every society in the world associates a full head of hair with being young, beautiful, virile and healthy. Consequently, the gradual loss or thinning of one’s hair can also lead to a loss of one’s self-esteem and even cause depression or anxiety.

For men, hair loss represents an embarrassing decline in perceived power and virility. Consciously or subconsciously, they feel they aren’t as manly or good-looking as they used to be – or worse, a potential object of ridicule. For women who pride themselves on their beautiful head of hair and equate it with beauty and sensuality, thinning hair can make them feel less desirable.

Of course, this mindset is purely cultural. It’s based on centuries of idolizing men and women – some real and some fictitious — with long, wholesome hair from – legendary figures like Samson and Lady Godiva to icons like Rita Hayworth, Farrah Fawcett, Jennifer Aniston, and the Beatles.

Naturally, there are positive ways to cope with the emotional effects of hair loss. For example, you can remind yourself that as unpleasant as it may be, hair loss is not the end of the world. It may challenge you, but it doesn’t define you.

Neither does hair loss have anything to do with your prowess or sexuality. With or without thinning hair, you’re still the same passionate and desirable person you were before your hair started to thin.

But if the emotional effects of hair loss prove too depressing to ignore, you may benefit by talking about your feelings with a close friend or mental health professional who can help you deal with the problem and find ways to cope.

Another solution is to take charge of the situation and contact the skilled hair restoration professionals at MAXiM Hair Restoration.  MAXiM Hair Restoration has plastic and hair transplant surgeons who artfully create an attractive hairline for people with hair loss every day.  We have convenient locations throughout the U.S. including New York, Long Island, Connecticut, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Newport Beach, and the Washington, DC area, as well as various international locations including Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Manila, Philippines. Chances are there is a MAXiM center near you.  Contact MAXiM today for a free consultation to find out if you are a candidate for a hair transplant or other hair restoration solution.


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