Thinning Hair Problems? Going Bald? Scalp Micropigmentation May Be Your Best Bet.

Do you have thinning hair because of alopecia, menopause or male pattern baldness? Are you going bald and want to have your hair back?

If you don’t want to wear wigs or a hair replacement system, and think you’re not yet ready for a hair transplant, Scalp Micropigmentation, is the novel remedy for baldness. It may be your best bet.

Essentially, scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical hair restoration solution. It is a cutting-edge, non-surgical office-based procedure that is non-invasive and uses sophisticated micro needles that deposit pigment into the scalp. The SMP technique replicates tiny hair follicles to restore thinning hair and resemble its previous density.

Does it hurt? Not really. During the Scalp Micropigmentation procedure, you may feel a bit of discomfort in certain areas of the scalp. But the discomfort wears off once the procedure is complete.”

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​Thinning Hair Problems? Going Bald? Scalp Micropigmentation May Be your Best Bet. ​

Fadra says Scalp Micropigmentation is a long-term solution for hair loss. The results including color and strength should last at least five years. At such point, one can undergo a touch-up procedure to restore any fading.

For more information,  go to or Contact Us For More Information or submit the Contact Form on this page to request your complimentary consultation by phone, Skype or with a MAXiM hair transplant physician or surgeon near you.

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