What is a FUE hair transplant?

What is a FUE hair transplant?

An FUE hair transplant is also a more time-consuming option due to the fact that individual follicular units are excised and then transplanted into the recipient site. A session in which 1,500 to 2,000 grafts are transplanted will take much more time during an FUE session as opposed to an FUT session, but it is also possible for multiple sessions to be performed on consecutive days due to the speedier recovery process associated with FUE.

What is a FUE hair transplant?

FUE is an acronym commonly used to refer to Follicular Unit Extraction, which is a type of advanced hair transplant procedure in which individual follicular units are taken from the donor area and transplanted into the recipient site. Due to the fact that the FUE procedure involves the excision of individual follicular units as opposed to the surgical removal of a strip of donor tissue, Follicular Unit Extractions are known as a no linear scar, no-suture option.

The subtle differences between FUE and FUT often lead to a number of questions from patients, with the questions that follow representing the most commonly posed:

  • What is an FUE mega session?
  • How long does it take to complete a session of FUE?
  • How long is the recovery period for FUE?
  • Which procedure is better: FUT or FUE?

Patients should recognize that there are advantages and disadvantages inherent in any hair restoration procedure, and it is often a matter of identifying one’s own priorities and preferences when it comes to determining which procedure is best. The answers to each of the questions referenced above will certainly help any patient determine the most ideal procedure based on his or her own specific hair restoration needs.

Looking for FUE Hair Transplant Surgeon?

It is also worth noting that there is no way to overstate the importance of seeking out a hair transplant surgeon capable of performing the most advanced and innovative hair transplant procedures while using the latest developments in medical technology. An experienced surgeon will be able to ensure that the patient benefits from the hair transplant procedure to the greatest degree possible by artfully crafting a new and natural-looking hairline while restoring volume and thickness to the patient’s hair.

Few things are more important than working with a hair transplant doctor who engenders a sense of confidence and trust in the patient, so it is imperative that anyone considering a hair transplant works diligently to identify a highly qualified surgeon and a reputable hair transplant clinic before going forward with a procedure.

FUE Hair Transplant is available at MAXIM Hair Restoration and other providers in New York City, Greenwich, Chicago, Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia; Houston, Dallas, Manila, Philippines; Dubai, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.; and Karachi, Pakistan.

What is a FUE Hair Transplant mega session?

An FUE mega session is a version of the standard Follicular Unit Extraction in which the patient has as many as 4,000 individual follicular grafts transplanted at once. This is more than double the number of follicular grafts typically transplanted during the traditional FUE procedure, as most FUE transplants involve 1,000 to 2,000 grafts. For patients seeking to restore a great deal of volume to the areas of their scalp adversely affected by hair loss, multiple sessions of the traditional FUE procedure might be necessary.

fue hair cycle

With the availability of the FUE mega session, patients in need of extensive coverage and a natural-looking hairline can opt for a single session of FUE rather than undergoing multiple procedures. For patients with substantial hair loss, a mega session will reduce the subsequent sessions of FUE required to generate the amount of coverage being sought. As an additional benefit, FUE is known for its status as a no-scar, no-suture procedure, allowing patients a faster recovery time in which they may return to normal activities as soon as the day following the procedure.

It is always best for patients to consider the totality of available options before making a decision regarding a hair transplant procedure. Patients seeking to restore significant hair density through a no-scar, no-suture procedure may find that an FUE mega session is the best option available. It is then critical for the patient to select a facility that specializes in hair transplant procedures and is capable of performing an FUE transplant involving up to 4,000 individual follicular grafts.

FUE mega session is available in New York City, Greenwich, Connecticut, Chicago, Illinois, Washington DC/Northern Virginia, Houston, Dallas, Texas, Manila, Philippines, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., and Karachi, Pakistan.

How long does FUE Hair Transplant take?

The length of time required to complete an FUE procedure will vary considerably depending on several critical factors, with the number of follicular units being transplanted being the most influential component. As a general rule, however, an FUE procedure will require more time to complete than a FUT procedure due to the number of follicular units included in each graft (FUT procedures utilize follicular units that include between one and three follicles per graft; FUE procedures utilize follicular units featuring one follicle per graft).

Patients undergoing an FUE transplant at a hair transplant clinic in New York City; Greenwich, Connecticut; Chicago, Illinois; Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia; Houston, Dallas, Texas; Manila, Philippines; Dubai, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.; and Karachi, Pakistan, can expect a single session of the procedure to require up to eight hours to complete. This is the case even with an experienced doctor supported by a team of nurses and surgical assistants, as the simple fact of the matter is that it requires a great deal of time to transplant anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 grafts (or up to 4,000 follicular unit grafts in a mega session). The trade-off for the length of time required for a single session of FUE is the reduced recovery time and the lack of a scar or the need for sutures.

Which procedure is better: FUT or FUE?  

During the course of an initial consultation at a hair transplant clinic in New York City; Greenwich, Connecticut; Chicago, Illinois; Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia; Houston, Dallas, Texas; Manila, Philippines; Dubai, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.; and Karachi, Pakistan, hair transplant surgeons are often asked which procedure is better: FUT or FUE? Without any information about the patient and his or her specific hair transplant needs, it is simply not possible to determine which procedure is the best since both offer benefits that each patient will view quite differently. This is why it is advisable for patients to schedule an initial consultation with a skilled and experienced hair transplant surgeon to discuss which treatment options are most ideal based on the individual patient’s unique hair restoration needs.

A patient whose priority is to restore the greatest possible volume in the most economical way might prefer the FUT procedure as opposed to the FUE procedure. On the other hand, a patient whose priority is to avoid scarring and who does not wish to have their normal activities interrupted by the need to recover from the procedure might prefer the FUE procedure to the FUT procedure. An experienced hair transplant surgeon can play a vital role in helping the patient determine which procedure most closely aligns with their priorities and with the goals they hope to achieve through a hair transplant procedure.

Procedure between FUE and FUT

When choosing between the FUT procedure and the FUE procedure, patients should understand the specific qualities that differentiate the two procedures since both are effective hair restoration options. The FUT procedure allows patients to have a greater number of grafts transplanted during a single session, but the recovery time is slightly longer than FUE. Doctors performing the FUT procedure usually recommend a period of six months between sessions of FUT, so a patient requiring more than 3,000 grafts (up to 5,000 individual follicles or more) will have to wait a bit longer to see the final result of their hair transplant.

The FUE procedure allows the patient to undergo multiple procedures on consecutive days due to the fact that the FUE procedure does not involve the excision of a strip of donor tissue. Since individual follicular units are surgically removed from the donor site, there is no horizontal scar and patients can return for additional procedures on the days that follow the initial procedure. Patients also have the option of undergoing a mega session of FUE in which up to 4,000 follicular unit grafts are transplanted during a single session.

Many of the benefits associated with FUE also result in its status as the more time-intensive procedure when compared to FUT. As a result of the time required to complete each session, FUE tends to be the costlier option when compared to FUT. Ultimately, it will be up to the patient and the doctor to select the procedure that best meets the patient’s individual needs and priorities, as each patient will value the benefits of each procedure quite differently.


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