You’re living in a modern world. Why should your hair restoration procedure be outdated? Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a hair transplant procedure that uses state-of-the-art technology to recreate your natural hair, thicker and healthier than before. If you’ve considered other methods but decided against them, FUE might be the solution for you. Maybe you don’t want a big linear scar on your scalp. Maybe you can’t take too much time off of work. Or maybe you just want the most precise results possible. While we offer plenty of solutions to hair loss, here are some of the reasons you might choose FUE. 

FUE Hair Transplants Leave Minimal Scarring

Many wonder what their head will look like after a restoration procedure. Maybe you like keeping your hair short, and you’re worried you’ll be left with a head full of noticeable scars. We have good news. FUE procedures don’t cause linear scarring. During the procedure, our hair transplant doctor or clinician uses a small instrument to harvest and transfer individual hairs, one at a time. There are no scalpels or stitches. The result is a series of tiny, circular scars that are barely visible to the eye. Most people won’t even know you had the surgery. 

Scarring can vary between patients, but you can count on more natural-looking results than most other treatments. You don’t have to stock up on hats or grow your hair out to cover any marks. FUE gives you the freedom to wear your hair however you’d like, and isn’t that why you chose hair restoration in the first place?

It’s Nearly Painless

No one wants to sit through a painful, invasive procedure. Fortunately, FUE is virtually pain-free. If you’re intimidated by the FUT process, FUE offers a more comfortable alternative. FUE typically takes six to eight hours, so we make sure your experience is as relaxing and comfortable as it can be. The doctor or clinician will give you local anesthesia, so you won’t feel a thing during your procedure. We even encourage patients to take a nap, watch a movie, read, or chat with our friendly staff during the service. 

FUE patients also experience less discomfort after their surgery. Recovery is typically much faster than other hair restoration procedures, and post-surgical complications are rare. You can expect to be back on your feet the next day and back to work in a couple of days, depending upon your profession. You probably shouldn’t engage in high-impact activities like contact sports for a few weeks after your FUE transplant, but once you’re healed, toss a football to celebrate.  

FUE Is Cost-Effective

Hair restoration doesn’t need to cost a fortune, and FUE can be an affordable option. Pricing depends on how many grafts we extract and implant, so costs can be flexible. FUE relies on modern technology that allows us to harvest up to 4,000 grafts in a single session, which means you can maximize your results and minimize your visits. 

Plus, we know that taking time off from your responsibilities isn’t always easy. Because of the minimal recovery time needed for FUE, you can get back to work sooner. With FUE, you can expect fewer lost wages, minimal follow-up visits, and less expensive maintenance. Schedule a free consultation with one of our experts to learn what your FUE procedure might cost.

FUE Produces Reliable Results

Hair restoration is an investment, and you want results you can count on. FUE offers patients fuller, more natural-looking results. Plus, your hair grows back healthier than it might with other, more invasive methods that cause trauma to the scalp. Our skilled professionals place each graft carefully to cover your hair loss, and we can even mirror your natural hairline to preserve the look of your hair. You won’t look like you’ve had a hair restoration procedure. No linear scar in the donor area to reveal your secret. You’ll just look like you. By choosing FUE, you’re setting yourself up for long-term success. 

FUT, which harvests strips of hair follicles, isn’t as minimally invasive as FUE. However, an FUT procedure results in higher density and a larger session. Imagine you’re planting seeds, hoping to see beautiful hydrangeas grow in your backyard. You’d try to plant your seeds in optimal conditions, so they grow back healthy every year. We treat your hair with the same care, so you can enjoy a thick head of hair for years to come.

FUE Hair Restoration Uses Advanced Technology

Say you’re picking out a new car. The dealership shows you a decades-old model with an old cassette player and not much else, then they show you a brand new car with all the latest technology. The decision’s probably pretty easy. When we perform FUE procedures, we use devices like the S.A.F.E. FUE System, the ATERA system, the Ellis FUE System, the WAW FUE System, and the Cole FUE System, all of which allow us to offer the least invasive treatment possible. We also have access to robotic technology to automate the process, ensuring fast, reliable results. However, each technology has its pros and cons. Therefore, we have multiple technologies are our disposal unlike most clinics which offer a one size fits all solution. 

Our state-of-the-art tools also help us analyze your hair loss. Our technology scans your scalp, identifies the areas where you need care the most, and helps us make precise selections. We aren’t just harvesting and transferring hair grafts randomly. We’re using science, technology, and digital imaging to place each graft exactly where it should go. This leads to a thicker, more natural head of hair that will grow back consistently year after year. 

Most importantly, an FUE Hair Transplant will not make a hole in your pocket at MAXIM. Our prices are competitive and we offer 0% financing via multiple patient finance companies. 

Your FUE hair transplant procedure is a step towards a more confident, joyful life. Some people gain confidence, others self-esteem, some advance their careers, and others are able to find that special someone. We want that new life to start the second you sit down in one of our chairs, and we want it to last for years to come. These minimally invasive hair restoration procedures give you the best results for a fraction of the time. You’ll be back to regular life in no time, with no lasting signs of treatment. If you want to learn more about FUE and our other services, schedule your free consultation with MAXIM Hair Restoration today.


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