Five Male Hair Loss Myths You Might Believe

There is a lot of “fake news” around men’s hair loss, so here’s five male hair loss myths you must believe. For as long as men have suffered from hair loss, people have spread myths and tall tales about what causes hair loss, what makes it worse, and ways to cure it. It’s possible some of the things you “know” about hair loss is not really true.

Five Male Hair Loss Myths You Might Believe

The best person to talk to about the causes of hair loss and what you can do about it is a hair transplant specialist. Check out the myths about men’s hair loss below and see how many of them you believed to be true!

Baldness Correlates with Testosterone

Hair loss does not have to do with the level of testosterone a man has. A lot of people believe this myth because hair loss is predominantly focused on men. Because women are less likely to lose hair, there is a misconception that the more testosterone a person has, the more likely they are to lose hair.

Hair loss essentially has to do with the sensitivity levels of your hair follicles to some hormones. The more sensitive your hair follicles are, the more likely you are to lose hair. The less sensitive your hair follicles are, the less likely you are to lose hair. This sensitivity has to do with genetics – not testosterone.

Your Hair Loss Comes from Your Mom’s Side of the Family

One of the biggest myths out there is that your mom’s side of the family is to blame for your hair loss. This is not (always) true! While the gene that primarily causes baldness is on the X chromosome (their mothers), hair loss genetics come equally from your maternal and paternal genes. One side of your genetics is not more responsible for hair loss than the other. Your genetics are a mix of both sides so your hair loss genetics can from either side of the family.

Additionally, just because your grandfather or uncles had hair loss on either side of the family, it does not mean you will definitely have hair loss. While genetics does play a big role in hair loss, there is no way to guarantee if a person will or will not have hair loss.

Wearing a Hat Will Increase Hair Loss

Another myth about men’s hair loss is that wearing a hat increases hair loss. Wearing a hat does not “suffocate” hair or make the hair follicles more sensitive. Myth busted! Your hair cannot suffocate or become more sensitive under a hat. Hair sensitivity has to do with genetics – not whether you cover it up or not.

The only way a hat can increase hair loss is if you pull out hair when taking off the hat. This is known as traction alopecia – hair loss due to constant pulling of the hair.

Washing Your Hair with Cold Water Will Cure Baldness

One of the benefits of washing your hair with cold water is that it increases blood circulation. However, blood circulation has nothing to do with hair loss. The temperature of the water you use to wash your hair does not cause or stop hair loss from happening.

Washing Your Hair Too Often Causes Hair Loss

Your hair follicles do not become more sensitive just because you wash your hair often. Nor will they become sensitive if you do not wash your hair often. Hair follicle sensitivity comes from genetics and hair loss comes from under the scalp. Because of this, shampooing your hair has nothing to do with causing or increasing hair loss. The hair you notice falling out when shampooing is hair that has already fallen out.

There are a lot more myths out there about men’s hair loss, now you know the five male hair loss myths to believe. To be certain that you believe only the true facts about hair loss, talk to a hair loss specialist so that you’re getting the facts and just the facts.

If you are looking for a way to restore your hair and get a fuller head of hair, Maxim Hair Restoration can help you find the right hair restoration solution for you. Request an appointment at one of our locations today.


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