Hair Transplant Services - FUT - MAXiM Hair Restoration

FUTThe conventional hair transplant technique, also known as a Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) takes hair from the back and sides of the head (donor area) and transplants them to the thinning and balding areas (recipient sites).

Advantage — The advantage of this procedure is that the MAXiM Hair Transplant Physician or Surgeon can perform larger sessions compared to other techniques.  This gives you higher density and coverage along with a natural look.

Technique – Occasionally known as the strip technique, this hair transplant procedure is performed under local anesthesia and you can watch television, speak with the MAXiM Hair Restoration staff or chat on the phone during your procedure.  You may also take a nap during your hair transplant.

Your MAXiM Hair Transplant Physician or Surgeon – will surgically take a strip from the back of your head which is then dissected into individual grafts and follicular units.

Strip – While the strip is being dissected, the MAXiM Hair Transplant Physician or Surgeon will artfully prepare your hair line based on your facial structure, hair characteristics and your own expectations.  Once the hair line design is complete, the physician or surgeon will also prepare the recipient sites by making tiny incisions where the grafts can be implanted.

Goal – The MAXiM Hair Transplant Physician or Surgeon’s goal is to give you not just hair but style in order to make you look and feel like a million dollars.

Grafts – In a conventional hair transplant, anywhere from 600 up to 3,000 grafts can be transplanted.  Each graft generally contains 1 to 3 hair follicles.  It is important to differentiate between grafts and follicles.  For example, a 2,000 graft procedure can give you 3,000 to 5,000 hair follicles.  Most reputable clinics generally charge by graft rather than follicle.  So beware! At MAXiM Hair Restoration, we pride ourselves in our ethics and integrity.

Length – The entire procedure itself can take roughly four hours or more depending upon the number of grafts being transplanted.

Staff – During your hair transplant, the MAXiM Hair Transplant Physician or Surgeon is generally assisted by 2 to 4 medical and surgical assistants during the procedure.  They will keep you abreast of what’s going on during your procedure and get you something to eat or drink if you desire.

Pre-op — You will be given pre-op instructions for your procedure during your consultation and post-op instructions would be explained and given to you at the end of your procedure.  You will also be told what to expect following the procedure and when to return for your follow-up visit which is generally a week later for suture removal.  If you are an out of town patient, you can have your sutures removed at any medical clinic.

Post-op – Most people take it easy following their procedure and take a day or two off from work.  You can cover your head with a cap.  Most strenuous activities are not permitted and you will have access to the MAXiM Hair Transplant Physician or Surgeon or staff in case you have any questions or concerns following your hair transplant.

After – With the strip technique, you will have a horizontal scar on the back of your head that is not visible since it is covered by hair.  Also, you can have more than one strip hair transplant procedure.  Some people have undergone several procedures to get a full, thick head of hair.  This is possible as long as you have adequate donor tissue.

The transplanted hair generally falls off after a few weeks and will re-grow after four months.  You should see results within six months of your FUT procedure.

FAQ – Your MAXiM Hair Transplant Physician or Surgeon along with our knowledgeable staff will explain all of this to you and address your questions and concerns during your complimentary consultation.

Next Step – Contact Us For More Information or submit the Contact Form on this page to request your complimentary hair restoration consultation by phone, Skype or with a MAXiM hair transplant doctor or surgeon near you.

You can also Email your pics to MAXiM Hair Restoration to find out if you are a good candidate for a hair transplant or to obtain an estimate for your procedure and the approximate number of grafts that would be required to give you a great result.

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