Comparing Non-Invasive Hair Transplant Procedures In Newport Beach, California

When it comes to hair restoration, there are two general types of procedures: hair transplants and non-surgical hair restoration.

Hair transplants are a minor surgical procedure that includes follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). Non-invasive hair transplant procedures include laser hair therapy, scalp micropigmentation, and as well as OTC, and prescription-based products such as Rogaine, Propecia, Minoxidil, and compounded solutions. Non-surgical hair replacement options include hair systems, hairpieces, and related.

In this article, we will compare and discuss non-surgical hair restoration procedures.

Laser Hair Therapy

One non-invasive hair transplant procedure you might want to consider is laser hair therapy. This hair therapy will not replace hair that has already been lost, but it will strength existing hair follicles.

This process is carried out by scanning a laser-emitting device over the patient’s head. Consisting of several different sessions over several weeks, each session typically takes 20 to 30 minutes to be carried out.

This procedure is best for those who are just starting to lose their hair. It can strengthen existing hair and prevent further hair loss from occurring. In most cases, it will cause the hair to become fuller and more luxurious.

If you’re looking for a completely painless hair restoration procedure, this is the one you’re seeking. It’s a completely hands-off procedure that involves no recovery at all.

It also tends to work well when combined with other therapies such as hair transplants. However, results on its own are mixed.

Scalp Micropigmentation

Another non-invasive hair procedure to consider is scalp micropigmentation. This is a procedure in which tiny pigments of ink are placed into the hair follicles on the head.

It should be noted that, by going through this procedure, you will not actually see any hair growth. Instead, you will be adorned with the appearance of hair; a 5 o’clock shadow look which presents itself as a full head of very short hair.

This is a suitable option for men who are experiencing serious hair loss. It can even be utilized by men who are entirely bald or those who like to shave their head or employ a buzz cut.

While there might be some slight discomfort during the procedure, after the procedure is finished, there is essentially no recovery time required. Requiring absolutely no maintenance, it typically thrives for around 4 to 8 years.

Though this is not a permanent hair restoration procedure, it can be touched up when needed, essentially making it permanent. It should also be noted that it’s cost-effective when compared to other types of hair restoration procedures.

Looking to Undergo One of the Above Procedures in Newport Beach, Orange County, California, or Chicago, Illinois?

Thinking about undergoing a hair restoration procedure in Newport Beach in Orange County, California, or Chicago, Illinois? Interested in a non-invasive procedure? If so, we here at Maxim Hair Restoration are the people to see.

We have hair transplant doctors located all over the world, all of whom are well-versed in carrying out the procedures reviewed above. Our team looks forward to returning your hair to its former glory.

Contact us today to get started!


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