What If I Lose More Hair After Transplant?

Hair transplant surgeons typically prefer that a patient’s hair loss is stable before recommending a corrective course of action, but there are steps that can be taken if a patient does experience additional hair loss outside of the area of the scalp that will ultimately become the transplant, or recipient site. Of course, it is always best to take a proactive approach when it comes to hair loss, and it is possible to take measures to ensure that further hair loss is prevented. It is for this reason that hair transplant doctors often recommend the supplementary use of medications like Rogaine or Propecia as part of the patient’s post-operative care plan.

It is critical to note that medications such as Rogaine and Propecia are intended to prevent the loss of existing hair. For the sake of clarification, this means that these particular medications are not an effective option for encouraging the re-growth of hair that has already been lost. Following a hair replacement procedure, a patient who has experienced further loss of their existing hair may choose to undergo an additional hair transplant procedure to ensure adequate coverage. Assuming there is enough donor tissue available, the patient can select from any number of effective options, including a Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) or a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), both of which are surgical procedures considered effective for addressing hair loss or thinning hair caused by male or female pattern baldness.


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