Is Your Diet Causing Your Hair Loss?

Is your diet causing your hair loss? No doubt you’ve heard the expression, you are what you eat. Well, it just might explain why you are losing your hair. In fact, studies show that your diet can be a causing hair loss has a significant factor in whether or not you retain a healthy head of hair.

Is your diet causing hair loss?

Here are the foods that have been found to affect hair loss and the reasons why:

fried foods maxim hair restorationFried foods

Foods that are high in fat and hydrogenated oils have been known to increase testosterone levels. That can lead to elevated levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is linked to hair loss. Instead of frying, consider baking with breaded coating such as panko.

Refined carbohydrates

Cake, biscuits, and white flour are all high in sugar and low in fiber. Consequently, the nutrients derived from these foods are enable the digestion of the food itself. In other words, there is no benefit from eating these carbs. They limit your body’s ability to deal with stress, thus contributing to hair loss. On the other hand, complex carbohydrates like beans, bananas, and whole meal flour have a high fiber content, which not only helps your digestive system, but also allows your body to deliver necessary nutrients to your hair follicles.

Trans fatty acids

sweet foods and treats maxim hair restoration

These unhealthy fats found in corn and soybean oil and in foods processed – such as donuts, cookies, crackers, muffins, pies and cakes – increase the production of DHT in your body, which boosts your risk of hair loss. Next time you go out to eat, check for signage in the restaurant saying they don’t use trans-fats, and some jurisdictions, such as Montgomery County, Md., have banned them.

Selenium-rich foods

Selenium is a mineral your body needs because it acts as an antioxidant. However, you can get too much of a good thing if you consume more than 55 micrograms of selenium per day. To avoid selenosis – when there is too much selenium in your blood that could cause hair loss – limit your intake of beef, tuna, turkey, white rice, and white bread.

Sugar and artificial sweeteners

Like trans fatty acids, sugar can increase DHT production. At the same time, sugar-free foods that contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame have been found to cause thinning and hair loss.

beer and alcohol maxim hair restorationCaffeine and alcohol

Both of these in moderation are relatively harmless. However, excessive alcohol consumption can cause liver toxicity, one of the risk factors for hair loss. Also, too much caffeine causes dehydration, another detriment to your hair follicles.

While some foods may contribute to hair loss, others are known to provide the vitamins and minerals needed to promote the hair growth process. The best way to know if your diet is hair-healthy is to consult your doctor or a hair loss specialist.

Whatever is causing your hair loss even it’s from your diet, MAXiM Hair Restoration has plastic and hair transplant surgeons who artfully create attractive hairline solutions for our clients every day.  We have convenient locations throughout the United States in New York, Long Island, Connecticut, Chicago, Dallas, and the Washington, DC area, as well as several international locations. Contact MAXiM today to find out if you are a candidate for a hair transplant or other hair restoration treatment.

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