Are you wondering about any unanswered questions regarding hair transplants? According to the American Hair Loss Association, 35 million men around the world experience baldness, and in the United States alone, 40% of patients experiencing hair loss are women. For many, hair transplant surgery has become the choice to overcome hair loss. It is an effective method that provides natural results and involves a simple procedure. It has practically no downtime and it is very safe.

Having questions about hair transplants, meaning transplanting hair from one part of the scalp to the area where the hair is missing isn’t new. Many people are curious about the procedure and want to get familiar with all the details. It is becoming an increasingly safe and effective method for dealing with hair loss. Plus, it is being performed globally which makes it even more of a trustworthy procedure. Let’s begin with some history about hair restoration surgery.

What is the History of Hair Replacement Surgery?

Hair transplantation first appeared in Germany in the mid-1800s. Modern hair transplant surgery has come a very long way since its introduction to the United States in the 1950s. The very first hair replacement surgery was done in New York City by Dr. Norman Orentreich. This occurred after many obstacles and opposition by the medical community, which did not agree with the initial submissions of his paper. It became a landmark study that was published in 1959.

Dr. Orentreich coined the term “donor dominance” to expand on the basic concept of hair transplantation. It explained that transplanted hair continues to show the same characteristics of the hair from where it came from. To explain another way, hair that was taken from the rear or side of the head, which is also known as the permanent zone, would continue to grow the same way as when it was in its original place.

The study concludes that donor dominance shows the reason why hair located in the donor area, which does not experience hair loss, continues to grow after following the transplantation to the bald regions of the scalp.

Modern techniques, coupled with the science supporting transplant development, are providing a more natural look and feel for hair transplant recipients. It has become a common method for dealing with hair loss for both men and women. Not only for hair on the scalp but even for eyebrows, beard and mustache hair transplants. 

Today, a hair transplant is a natural choice for those seeking to regain a more youthful, healthy look. For those who can only think “toupee” “hair pieces” or “hair plugs,” think again. Hair restoration is an innovative technique that has proved to be the most effective in regaining hair as you once had it.

The following are some questions about hair transplant and their answers.

What is hair transplant surgery?

A hair transplant is a minor surgical procedure that involves removing hair from an area of the head that has ample hair – usually the sides or back of the scalp – and then placing those hair follicles in the thinning and balding areas where more hair is desired. Over time, the hair follicles take root and grow, filling in the areas of the scalp that have lost hair. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and takes several hours. It involves a fairly easy recovery and very little downtime. Patients do not experience tremendous pain and most don’t have any complications. The result is natural hair in areas where hair had been lost. 

Can women go bald like men?

Men and women are both affected by baldness or thinning hair. Men are more genetically prone to baldness, though ironically, baldness is passed down through one’s genes. Both men and women can lose their hair and even go bald, but unlike men, balding for a woman is primarily related to hormones. Women lose hair due to hormonal changes, and they seldom go totally bald, but only experience thinning. Alopecia areata is an auto-immune disease that attacks the hair follicles, causing hair loss. While rare, it can cause baldness in both men and women. Some women experience temporary hair loss after pregnancy. This, however, is a temporary state that usually goes back to normal after their hormones regain balance. Another reason why some women may experience hair loss is due to extreme hairstyles that pull on the hair and eventually cause the hair follicle to get damaged.

What type of patient most often gets hair transplant surgery?

Statistics gathered from the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery indicate that a little more than 84% of balding men are or at have some point considered hair transplant surgery.

In comparison, women who choose hair replacement surgery to deal with hair loss come in at 15.3 percent. The greatest number of men who are deciding to take advantage of hair transplant surgery are between the ages of 30 and 39 years old although this has expanded to the 25 to 55 year age group with an increasing number of younger and older men seeking hair transplants. Women who are choosing the surgery most often are between the ages of 39 and 49 years old. 

What does the procedure entail?

Hair transplant surgery is rather straightforward and quick. It is performed in a doctor’s office or clinic setting, and for most patients, the surgery lasts several hours. Each client is different as far as the extent of their hair loss, and their viable donor site. Depending on the number of grafts to be transplanted, more than one hair restoration procedure may be required. Your doctor or clinician will give you a timeline and detailed plan during the initial consultation. The hair restoration surgery might be conducted under local anesthetic, which is perfectly normal and it is the most common way it is performed. However, some patients may be completely anesthetized, meaning under general anesthesia so that they will sleep through the procedure. This is usually the case for patients who might be very nervous or may have other special needs. Commonly, it is an outpatient surgery and the person will be able to go home afterward. It is strictly advisable not to drive immediately following the procedure. 

After the procedure, the patient will be given an antibiotic ointment for them to apply after washing the area. It is important that the patient follows aftercare instructions to make sure the procedure is effective and doesn’t have any complications. The aftercare is simple, you are responsible for ensuring that the area stays clean, free from crusty build-ups and that you watch for signs of infection such as inflammation, redness, or pain. There is practically no downtime after the procedure, some people return to work within a couple of days and don’t notice a difference in the way they feel, which is a very positive result. 

Is Hair Transplant Surgery safe?

Hair transplant surgery is considered a safe procedure, however, as with any surgery, there can be risks. To minimize those risks and potential complications, a patient should have a conversation with their healthcare professional. Speak with the hair transplant surgeon concerning the risks that are involved and be sure to cover the issues that are particular to your case. Each person is different, so it is important that you find out what applies to you. Be sure to provide a list of medications, both over-the-counter and prescribed that you’re taking as well as supplements. Additionally, your hair transplant doctor/clinician will take a detailed health history to find out if you’re fit for surgery.

Is the hair transplant procedure affordable?

If your reasons for choosing hair transplant surgery are purely cosmetic, then most insurance companies won’t pay for it. If the surgery is due to an accident or injury, then the insurance company might underwrite the surgery but it would need to be pre-approved. You will have to take into consideration the cost of other solutions that you might implement to restore, control or camouflage your hair loss. People have to take into account all the products, wigs, hair systems, and other methods that they have used for years and examine the costs associated with those products. It is all relative, some people think is well worth having natural hair and being able to feel their best. Overall, the price of the procedure is competitive with other procedures as you would normally find in the healthcare industry.

Does it really work?

Transplanted hair falls out within a few weeks of the procedure which can be alarming to the patient; but the fallout is normal. New hair will grow in its place within as little as four months. It takes six to twelve months to see meaningful results. It is part of the normal hair cycle where it sheds and grows back again. In conclusion, yes, hair restoration surgery is very effective. 

Now all of your questions about hair transplant have been Answered. Are you losing your hair and don’t know what to do? One solution is to take charge of the situation and contact the skilled hair transplant specialists at MAXIM Hair Restoration. MAXIM Hair Restoration has plastic surgeons, hair transplant doctors, and FUE Hair Restoration clinicians who artfully create an attractive hairline for people with hair loss every day. 

MAXIM Hair Restoration has offices in Great Neck, Long Island, New York; Manhattan, New York City (NYC); Paramus, Northern New Jersey; Alexandria, Northern Virginia (Washington D.C. and Maryland areas); Houston, Texas; Dallas Fort Worth, Texas; Costa Mesa, Los Angeles metro area in Orange County, Southern California; Indianapolis, Indiana; Sarasota, Florida; Manila, Philippines; Cebu, Philippines; Dubai, U.A.E.; Istanbul, Turkey; and Wroclaw, Poland. Future centers are planned in Austin, Texas; San Antonio, Texas; Seattle, Washington; San Diego, California; Atlanta, Georgia; Miami, Florida; New Orleans, Louisiana; and other markets. 

Contact MAXIM today for a free consultation to find out if you are a candidate for a hair transplant or other hair restoration solution.


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